Installation & Configuration


The best way to install Gatekeeper is through Composer (though I suppose you could clone the repo if you want to do it the hard way). Use the following command to add it to your current project:

composer require psecio/gatekeeper


Gatekeeper makes use of several other PHP dependencies to help reduce code duplication:

Setup Quick Start

There's a "quick start" method for getting Gatekeeper up and running in two steps:

  1. Create your Gatekeeper database and user:
create database gatekeeper;
CREATE USER 'gk-user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'some-password-here';
grant all on gatekeeper.* to 'gk-user'@'localhost';
flush privileges;
  1. Execute the vendor/bin/ file. This script will ask several questions about your database setup, write the needed files and run the migrations for you.

That's it - you're all done!

You're ready to go!

You can now start using the Gatekeeper functionality in your application. You only need to call the init function to set up the connection and get the instance configured:

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use \Psecio\Gatekeeper\Gatekeeper;


Configuration options

You can pass in options to the init call if you don't necesarily want to use the .env configuration file handling. There's a few options:

// You can specify your own .env path

// You can also force the use of your own database configuration
$config = array(
    'type' => 'mysql',
    'username' => 'gatekeeper-user',
    'password' => 'gatekeeper-pass',
    'name' => 'gatekeeper',
    'host' => 'gatekeeper-db.localhost'
Gatekeeper::init(null, $config);


By default Gatekeeper will have throttling enabled. This means that, on incorrect login by a user, the information will be logged. When they hit a threshold (defaults to 5) in a certain amount of time (default of 1 minute) they'll be marked as blocked and will not be allowed to log in.

You can disable this feature in one of two ways:

// Either through the init call
Gatekeeper::init(null, array('throttle' => false));

// Or through a method call

// And to reenable

You can also check the status of the throttling:

if (Gatekeeper::throttleStatus() === true) {
    echo 'Throttling is enabled!';